Chord Cadences
Learning where all of your chords are on the neck is an essential skill for all musicians on any stringed instrument. Applying that . . .
The Official Blog of The Paul Franklin Method
Learning where all of your chords are on the neck is an essential skill for all musicians on any stringed instrument. Applying that . . .
The difference between a pedal steel and guitar has to surface for students to realize a one-size-fits-all approach is not necessarily . , ,
I improvise thinking in 3 and 4 note combinations. I learn everything this way. Thinking in small amounts frees my mindset to rearrange …
I had the pleasure of meeting the great Daniel Lanois at a video shoot I did recently for D’Addario’s “Guitar Power” YouTube series.
When you enroll in the Paul Franklin Method, you will also have access to a private Facebook Group, just for students. This is a place . . .
The Christmas album I recorded many years back, began as a test of sorts. I had three DA-88 digital recorders (24 tracks) and a 32 . . .
It’s great to know all of the names of the notes on every string and fret and you should strive to do so for completeness’ sake. It’s . . .
The pedal steel guitar can perform in place of synths and is often the choice of many producers looking for unique bending textures.
A Method student recently asked for comments on a common practice and gig issue: tension felt in his neck and shoulders after playing . . .
I use + and – for sharps and flats. One + indicates a 1/2 tone raise. Two ++ indicates a whole tone raise. One – indicates a 1/2 tone . . .
Here’s the late great Dawn Sears, backed by Time Jumpers Kenny Sears, Andy Reiss, Joe Spivey, Ranger Doug, Paul Franklin, Rick Vanaugh, . .
Here is the way I view the E9th as a Blues-based tuning. In the pedals down position (A and B pedals activated), I move back two frets and