Modern Music Masters
When you purchase The Paul Franklin Method, you are getting access to a collection of three Workshops and four Breakout courses to serve...

Paul Franklin
I'm very pleased to announce a brand-new course I've just launched called Paul Franklin's E9 Pedal Steel Vocabulary. For many years . . .

Paul Franklin
Now that you have the skills needed to gig, the next step would be applying all of the skills you learned in Foundations . . .

Modern Music Masters
Thanks so much to all the players who attended Paul’s seminar at the Texas Steel Guitar Association Jamboree. Paul covered a lot of , , ,

Paul Franklin
I believe we need more pedal steel guitar players in order to keep the instrument alive. We need to expand our presence in all genres, in al

Modern Music Masters
Paul’s been all over the web lately in podcasts, video interviews and of course the Lloyd Green interviews here on the blog. We’re . . .